
Showing posts from October, 2019

One of the engines of today's society, Artificial Intelligence

Man has always tried to imitate everything around him, taking as reference the natural models. Thus he obtained good results, after observing how certain animals moved at great speeds, he came to create vehicles that far exceed the speed of the animal faster. After several attempts to imitate the birds it was possible to build powerful airplanes that go from one point to another on the planet in hours; but there were areas that resisted and that only now begin to achieve results. The key to the puzzle is in the analysis system: a computer solves all its problems sequentially, while the human brainIt has complex systems formed by millions of intertwined neurons that allow it to perform an analysis, in principle randomized, and solve very complex problems. In the year 1950, the famous American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov had the idea of ​​creating the "Three Laws of Robotics",  Cloud Engineer   as a way to prevent the destruction of mankind by the machines that man h...