One of the engines of today's society, Artificial Intelligence

Man has always tried to imitate everything around him, taking as reference the natural models. Thus he obtained good results, after observing how certain animals moved at great speeds, he came to create vehicles that far exceed the speed of the animal faster. After several attempts to imitate the birds it was possible to build powerful airplanes that go from one point to another on the planet in hours; but there were areas that resisted and that only now begin to achieve results. The key to the puzzle is in the analysis system: a computer solves all its problems sequentially, while the human brainIt has complex systems formed by millions of intertwined neurons that allow it to perform an analysis, in principle randomized, and solve very complex problems.

In the year 1950, the famous American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov had the idea of ​​creating the "Three Laws of Robotics", Cloud Engineer as a way to prevent the destruction of mankind by the machines that man himself could create. However, the most modern science fiction ignores these laws on tapes such as " Terminator ", in which machines practically displace man from the face of the earth; or use it as a means of generating energy, as in " The Matrix ". But, leaving aside Hollywood films, one might ask: Could such confrontations between humans and machines really become possible? And even more: Will humans be able to build machines with that level of complexity and "

To get into the subject some definitions of "intelligence" will be seen. The Cervantes dictionary provides the following definition: "Faculty of understanding, of understanding ...", while the Larousse dictionary indicates a very similar one: "Faculty of understanding, of knowing; intelligence distinguishes man from animal." According to these definitions, I could say that intelligence is a quality of the human being that allows a better interaction, understanding and understanding of the world around him, being able, even, thanks to it, to modify it according to his convenience. Taking a step forward will talk about Artificial Intelligence. The term arises in 1956, and was proposed by John McCarthy, one of the pioneers in that field who said “artificial intelligence is the science and ingenuity of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs”; From there different meanings develop: Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define artificial intelligence as "the ability of a system to correctly interpret external data, to learn from such data and use that knowledge to achieve specific tasks and goals through the flexible adaptation "and Takeyas said that" AI is a branch of computer science responsible for studying computational models capable of carrying out activities of human beings based on two of its primary characteristics: reasoning and behavior. "

In the 60s, once that new science sees the light, work begins in order to achieve real applications of automatic systems, machines that were really equipped with Intelligence, among which were the resolution of common sense problems: reasoning of physical objects and their relationships, as well as actions and their consequences, the implementation of games (chess, checkers and others) and the demonstration of mathematical theorems, among others. In the 80s, what was called "The Boom of AI" takes place, in which the need to work in partnership with professionals from other areas of knowledge is identified; applications such as the MYCIN medical expert system, work with neural networks and genetic algorithms arise; Voice recognition applications, uncertainty, planning and learning; the marketable applications of AI in the fields of medicine, finance, engineering, exploration, among others.

 From the 90s, there is a drop in AI expectations, when it begins to take into account that the degree of difficulty in its implementation increases to the extent that we want to cover the primary capabilities of the human being. Although it seems contradictory, the basic skills such as: perception, linguistic and common sense, are much more difficult to implement and treat through programs, due to the combinatorial explosion, than specialized skills such as: knowledge of engineering, medicine, Finance and others. From the 90s, there is a drop in AI expectations, when it begins to take into account that the degree of difficulty in its implementation increases to the extent that we want to cover the primary capabilities of the human being.

Although it seems contradictory, the basic skills such as: perception, linguistic and common sense, are much more difficult to implement and treat through programs, due to the combinatorial explosion, than specialized skills such as: knowledge of engineering, medicine, Finance and others. From the 90s, there is a drop in AI expectations, when it begins to take into account that the degree of difficulty in its implementation increases to the extent that we want to cover the primary capabilities of the human being. Although it seems contradictory, the basic skills such as: perception, linguistic and common sense, are much more difficult to implement and treat through programs, due to the combinatorial explosion, than specialized skills such as: knowledge of engineering, medicine, Finance and others.


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